More England

the last time I had WiFi I had to eat breakfast so I couldn't finish my blog.
I will try to finish it know but the WiFi connection here is really bad.
I was showing pictures of day 2 in London:

An old english mailbox

The Portobello Road market in Notting Hill
It was super crowded there and it was also SUPER long
That evening we went to see the Tower Bridge but with our luck it was being renovated so half of the Bridge was covered with plastic.

But we still saw it so here is a picture..

In this bus we went to Piccadilly Circus
This bus looks a bit like the blue one in Harry Potter I think
It was awesome because it was so old school!

And this was the poster of the musical we went to. It was in the oldest theatre of London.
And it was AH-mazing! It was so cool. And the little kid who played the younger Micheal Jackson was awesome. After I saw it I wanted to see it again and again. :)
The day after this we had to leave the hotel and we went to the coast of England.
We were staying at this B&B one minute away from the beach.
It was a shame we could only stay there for a day but the bed there was horrible so I was also happy to get out of there.

Picture of the view

Outside reading a book with a view like this!
After that we went to Bridport to stay in a B&B for two nights.
First we shopped some in Bridport; bought Oliver Twist for 50 pence :P
And then we went to the B&B. It was in a real old English style.

Look at the puppy pillow on my bed; so awfull and funny
West Bay and some reading on the cliff

More to come but the WiFi is so slow that my patience is gone..
Bye bye!

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