New Photoshop

I like Photoshop, but I know nothing about it..
So just making random stuff to get good at using PS..


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Wall Decoration

:D made this! Took me a while but I think it looks pretty awesome! ;)

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Easter Webcam Fun

A compilation of some pics...

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Hi there!
I didn't blog for a while. Had a testweek and I felt like I was completely failing.
But luckily I didn't do as bad as I thought I would.
But now the bad news. My parents rented a house in May in France.
Very cool house with a swimming pool and all. But we were going there with a big part of the family only I just found out that the Canadian exchange student is coming May 7. Which is a friday. And we are not coming back until sunday. So that is a problem!
We are still busy trying to solve it. I'll let you know how it works out.
But I'm busy reading books at the moment. This period we are going to have a test about the books we had to read. And I made all the bookreports but I didn't read all the books. So I'm busy reading them all in like 4 weeks. 3 Dutch books, 1 English, 2 French... I finished 1 Dutch and 1 French now! Phew! Now I'm watching some episodes; Make it or Break it, Life uneXpected, Hannah M, etc..
But I gotta go!
Gonna have dinner in a few.
C ya! xxxxxx

Bad grades

I don't want to go to school. :(
Probably gonna get bad grades back. xxx- A


Ok, there is a testweek coming up and for several classes I have to make essays and stuff. I have to read 3 1/2 book and I have to study for every subject.. Biology, Art, French, Math, Geography, Literature etc.
So I'm in stress mode!
Ttyl, wish me luck!
xoxo, A

Just an update

I thought I should blog a little something..
Don't have much interessting though..
Went to see the musical Hairspray in the vacation.
It was pretty awesome! :D

And now I'm back at school again! Ulgh!
Only one and a half weeks until I have another testweek!
Oh no! :(

I'm not feeling so well right now... I'm in bed; showered and all, watching episodes and movies.
Oh and one more thing; I'M GOING TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES IN THE SUMMER HOLIDAY.... I'm so excited! My sister is coming too! :)
Well, now I'm going back to my chilling.
See ya! xoxo, {-} {-} {-}

Long time

It's been a while so I will post smth soon. But now I really should be sleeping.
Check this out though

Me and my dog Jenna in a very snowy world. I hope you all had a merry christmas!
I did!
Goodnight, xoxo xD

Almost vacation!

It is almost Christmas holiday!
School is going better again. My grades are getting better now!
I'm writing an English assingment right now.
OMG, I'm actually doing my homework! It's a miracle!
I promised to post pictures of Keulen (Koln) but I'll do it later.
Ok, should be getting back to the writing of the letter.
Everything I type always changes subject very fast. There's not really a line between them. That's probably very annoying for readers. But who cares! :)
Gotta go! C ya!
xoxoxo, Anouk

Tv Shows

I love watching certain shows.
You can watch them too! :P

OMG facts

There was a twitter trending topic and everything with OMG Facts
They had some really cool ones:

-Fewer divorces occur in families in which the children wake their parents before 6 a.m. on Saturdays
At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.
Children conceived on airplanes never suffer from motion sickness.
-Moths are unable to fly during an earthquake
In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her husband if he cheats on her
The electric chair was invented by a dentist
90% of women who walk into a department store turn to the right. 
A giraffe has the same number of bones in it's neck as a human.
The ten most generous countries are all in Europe.
If MySpace was a country it would be the 5th largest country in the World
Hitler was voted Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1938.
The average full length pencil has enough lead to draw a line 35 miles long
Butterflies taste with their feet

I can go on for hours if I wanted too. But you can also just follow there twitter!
That's easier and less time consuming for me. :)

xoxo, Anouk


Just made my own emoticon.
They are lips... I don't know if you can see it?!? Kisses: {-} {-} {-}

Bye bye Kelly

2morrow is Kelly's last day! And I'll miss her. The classes we had
together we sat together so now I'm going to be all alone! :(

Kisses and hugs, Anouk


I love the song Try by Asher Book from      the Fame Soundtrack. Thought I should let you know. :P
Asher Book

If I walk would you run
If I stop would you come
If I say you're the one would you believe me
If I ask you to stay would you show me the way
Tell me what to say so you don't leave me
The world is catching up to you
while your running away to chase your dream
Its time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to change 
and maybe im not ready 

but im trying for your love 
I can hide up above
I will try for your love 
we've been hiding enough 

if I sing you a song would you sing along 
or wait till im gone , oh how we push and pull 
if I give you my heart would you just play the part 
or tell me it's the start of something beautiful 
am I catching up to you 
while your running away , to chase your dreams 
its time for us to face the truth cause we are coming to each other to change 
and maybe im not ready 

but im trying for your love 
I can hide up above 
I will try for your love 
we've been hiding enough 

I will try for your love 
I can hide up above

2x Huh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh huhhh 

If I walk would you run 
If I stop would you come
If I say you're the one would you believe me

Goodnight, xoxo!


Music Playlist at


9 november

Just testing

Press the image for a bigger view; It's a litte smal like this