
Hi there!
I didn't blog for a while. Had a testweek and I felt like I was completely failing.
But luckily I didn't do as bad as I thought I would.
But now the bad news. My parents rented a house in May in France.
Very cool house with a swimming pool and all. But we were going there with a big part of the family only I just found out that the Canadian exchange student is coming May 7. Which is a friday. And we are not coming back until sunday. So that is a problem!
We are still busy trying to solve it. I'll let you know how it works out.
But I'm busy reading books at the moment. This period we are going to have a test about the books we had to read. And I made all the bookreports but I didn't read all the books. So I'm busy reading them all in like 4 weeks. 3 Dutch books, 1 English, 2 French... I finished 1 Dutch and 1 French now! Phew! Now I'm watching some episodes; Make it or Break it, Life uneXpected, Hannah M, etc..
But I gotta go!
Gonna have dinner in a few.
C ya! xxxxxx

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