
I just picked my reportcard up and I'm officially over to next year! My summer can now start! But while I'm writing this; it just started to rain outside. So I'm not getting a tan today. :( My reportcard wasn't so bad; my lowest grade is for Dutch (a subject both of my parents studied, so I'm the shame of the familiy ;) ) and I don't have any really low grades.
Now I'm sitting on the couch, enjoying the fact that I don't have to go too school for almost two entire months. And that I'm going to England in August, my braces will go out and that I will visit my sister in Amsterdam. Just fun stuff that I'm looking out for (looking out for isn't the right term, but whatever)! I also can't wait for Harry Potter 6, New Moon, new episodes of my favourite tv shows, DC movies, Demi's album and so on.... Bye bye -xoxo-

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