Londen #2

I'm having popcorn in my hotelroom right now....
London is awesome but being here takes a lot of energy.
Especially the traveling: busses, underground and a lot of walking.
Here are some pictures of yesterday:

The traditional red bus; they have a lot of posters for movies in London.
By the way: behind the bus you see the Big Ben :)
And my mom and I on the bridge looking at the London Eye

The House of Parlement and the view seen from the London Eye....
The London Eye is awesome. You can see so much of the city when you're in there
The sealife aquarium thing we went to; not really my thing.
Today we went to the market in Notting Hill.
And in a couple of minutes we're leaving to see the Londen Bridge and to go to Thriller the musical in a small theatre close to Piccadilly Circus.
So I have to get ready now; bye bye! :)

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