
I had my first day at work today! Really difficult to learn everything so fast. Tommorow and the day after tommorow I have to work again.
Luckily I only had to work this morning. I can't wait till I'm on my
way to England. The weather is very strange in Holland; then the sun is shining, then
it's raining and then there's a storm. The weather keeps changing! I'm slightly bored!
I want new movies, books and episodes!
I'm just babbling now. Writing very uninterresting stuff!
I'll stop :-) xoxo- Anouk

1 reacties:

Katoo said...

In Belgium the weather is pretty much the same, it stinks. xD Can't wait 'til I'm going on vacation. Have fun in England, I wanna go there one day. :)

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